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The Path to Freedom

August 31, 2008

Our nation has come a long way in it's relatively short existance. From it's inception, America has struggled to be the beacon of hope for all who long to be free. Yet, what is freedom? Is freedom tangible? Or is freedom just an idea, an untouchable, unattainable desire? Is freedom a right or a priveledge? More importantly, how do we use that freedom, and how do we "pay" for that freedom?

Americans enjoy more personal freedoms than the citizens of any other nation, but do we appreciate our freedom? Of course not. Today we demand the ridiculous, because we can. We have taken our freedoms for granted for so long that now we must invent new freedoms to demand. The "entitlement" mentality prevelant in today's society stands in stark contrast to the "work for everything" ethic of past generations.

Freedom in general, and individual personal freedoms, are not free. Someone must "pay" for the freedoms we enjoy. The military, police, firefighters and countless others constantly give up many of thier freedoms so that we may enjoy ours. Sadly though, thier selflessness is repayed by our selfishness. The more we are given, the more we demand. Never once stopping to think about,...


Tags: concepts, entitlement, freedom, hope, ideology, payment, people, selfishness, selflessness, thanks

Posted at: 10:42 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

America United?

August 31, 2008

America was once the "great melting pot", where newcomers to this nation pitched in to build a society that had a common goal. Each group of immigrants to this country added a bit of their culture, their flair and spice. I love travelling to large cities and experiencing the various communities. The Italian market, Chinatown, the Indian markets, Spanish markets, Islamic markets. There is nothing like wandering through the different sections to experience a little bit of each countries culture and cuisine.

With the advent of the civil rights movement America has lost sight of what is truly important. There are justifiable movements for equality, but not every group in America is a minority needing protection. Many of these groups are making themselves victims through the negative portrayal of themselves during their demonstrations and activities.

Gone are the days of American first. Today we have a hyphenated America. "I am an African-American, Asian-American, Jewish-American, Italian-American, Muslim-American", and the list goes on forever. I strongly believe that the hyphen has achieved it's goal. A hyphen is nothing more than a separator. It has done it's job well. We were once a nation of 300 million, now we are 300 nations of one...


Tags: community, diversity, humanity, melting pot, neighborhoods, neighbors, solidarity

Posted at: 10:20 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

What Can We Do?

August 30, 2008

Today's political arena is full of disinformation, slander, hate, and corruption. The electorate (you and I), are largely uneducated when it comes to what the real issues truly are. We are so concerned with what we can get, that we overlook the needs of the country. Special interests, out of control unions, hyphenated Americans, all are increasingly dividing and destroying the very fabric of our society. Very few people remember, and far fewer can answer the challenge issued to this great nation by President John F. Kennedy. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

What can we do for our country? I often ask myself if I am doing enough to benefit society in general, and the country as a whole. The answer in short is "no". For a very long time I was more worried about what I could get, than what I could give. Rather shortsighted wouldn't you say? After all, we live in the greatest nation on earth. So why shouldn't I care about the plight of others more than my needing a new 72" plasma flat panel? The simple answer is that we have forgotten the distinction between needs...


Tags: distractions, head, heart, issues, needs, politics, power, republic, research, thinking, wants

Posted at: 11:11 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

We the people

January 6, 2007

In the coming weeks I will be sharing my thoughts on relevant issues. Breaking news, current events, long term goals as together we try to strengthen, and restore common sense to politics.

Tags: america first, freedom, government, people, politics, security

Posted at: 11:19 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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