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This week's rant

This week we will be discussing the out of control ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION problem. By labeling this problem as an "immigration" problem, the media and key elected officials have made it clear that they do not hold this as a priority. The use of the term "undocumented worker" should give you a fairly clear idea of the agenda here.

Is there a reasonable solution?

There have been a number of articles, buried deep within major newspapers, that show an escalating crime rate linked to illegal immigrants. Some of these articles document Border Patrol being fired upon by illegals trying to cross the border. Some of these articles even elude to many of these illegal entrants as being from middle eastern countries. Why is this not front page news? Why is this not the lead story on television news broadcasts?

The plain truth is fear. One party fears minority voter backlash if decisive action is taken to stop the influx, the other fears a business and labor collapse if they act. Neither could be further from the truth.

The majority of LEGAL immigrants favor stopping illegal immigration for several reasons, chief among them is they are losing jobs to illegals who will work for lower wages. Another major concern among legal immigrants is the rise of violent crime within immigrant communities committed by illegals. 

Illegal immigration hurts legal immigrants the most. Depressed wages, rising crime rates, anymosity within the community. This causes undue stress for immigrants that went through the process of coming to America legally.

Common Sense Immigration

This could get lengthy so please bear with me.

This immigration initiative would give everyone what they ask for. Guest worker program, border security, and increased revenue from taxes.

Part I

Registration, Documentation, Taxation:

 All illegal immigrants must report to their local SS offices for registration and issuance of PHOTO ID cards (this would also help to curb identity theft and voter fraud). Every registree will be issued the same ss# 999-99-9999. This number shall be used to identify the individual as a "guest worker". These GWs must be sponsored by their employers, and taxed accordingly. To wit: federal, state, and local. GWs are valid for 3 years, during which time they must maintain employment, and develop a working knowledge of English (my push for English first). Employers are required to notify the appropriate agency when a GW becomes unemployed. GWs may renew a maximum of 5 times (15 years total). Employers MUST pay GWs no less than minimum wage (which could be interpreted as a cost cutting measure for businesses). While in the system GWs may not file for tax returns. This is the fee/fine portion of the GW program. This money stays in the general fund, and the SS fund. State and local taxes may be used to offset services illegally utilized by illegal immigrants (ie: welfare, medical services, etc.) Employers must also make the appropriate matching payments to the designated federal, state, local tax authorities. A registered by date will be worked out later. After this date "GWs" not registered will be classified as illegal entrants (IE's). This will be designated a class "C" felony punishable by 5 years imprisonment. Disposition of sentence to be discussed under the section pertaining to border security. Employers found to be employing illegal entrants will be punished (enforcement is key). First offense: A fine of $25,000 per individual. Second offense: A fine of $100,000 per individual. Third offense: Seizure of assets and 5 years imprisonment. This will be enforced vigorously.

Part II

Border Security and Military Readiness:

Of the 2100 miles of Southern Border, approximately 1600 are geographically fenceable. The remainder would require foot, air and electronic monitoring. The construction of a physical fence is necessary to stem the tide of IEs. To this end, the border areas (north and south) shall be designated training areas for military, federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and intelligence gathering agencies. The actual construction of the fence would be supervised by the Army Corps of Engineers, and the SeaBees. This will be their segment of the training. The fence will be a 16 foot chain link, with outriggers and barbed wire pointed outboard of U.S. soil. Doubled run with 25 yards separating each. This area in between will be randomly patrolled by BP and Military units. Military training will be conducted so as to maximize diversity, and promote standardized training for all ground forces, reducing training costs. Units from the north will train in the south learning, among other skills, desert warfare, drug interdiction, capture and interrogation, care custody and control techniques, urban pacification (small town), desert survival. Units from the south will train in the north learning mountaineering, wilderness survival, cold weather survival, urban pacification (large city), etc. Harbor Patrol, the Coast Guard and Navy will train in and around our ports and waterways on such areas as Maritime law, cargo handling, port and waterway security, drug interdiction, etc.  Regional Disposition Centers will be set up to handle the hearings and sentencing of IEs, and non compliant employers. All Federal, State, and Local law enforcement agencies will be empowered to arrest and detain IEs after the "register by" date for the GW program. IEs and employers picked up after this date will be given a hearing and sentenced accordingly. The sentence not to exceed five years imprisonment. If found guilty they will be turned over to BP and military units for care, custody and control. They will build the housing centers, and construct the fence(s). If after completion of their sentence an IE has not been sponsored by an employer, they will be returned to their country of origin. This applies to ALL IEs, including the group now classified as OTM. Employers who complete their sentence will be released as in any correctional facility. This will result in higher security, lower training and construction costs, and aid in inter-agency cooperation across the board.

Part III

Revision of Immigration Law:

The two major changes would be in the unwritten "catch and release" policy, and in the "anchor baby" provisions. I would eliminate catch and release, and I would amend the "anchor baby" provision to read "Any child born to foreign parents in this country LEGALLY(ie: student visa, work visa, tourist, etc.)and subject to the laws of the United States of America, shall be eligible for citizenship". This I would make retro to September 11, 2001 ; 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. This would effectively stop the influx of pregnant illegals coming here to have their children. If they (the children) do not automatically get citizenship, then the parents are less likely to endanger themselves and their unborn child by attempting a border crossing.

Business and Immigrant assistance

The "345" Business Re-investment Plan:

This is a system of tax incentives for businesses that comply with the previously outlined immigration plan.

Businesses employing over 5000 would receive a 3% tax cut.

Businesses employing between 1000 and 5000 would receive a 4% tax cut.

Businesses employing under 1000 would receive a 5% tax cut.

To qualify for these incentives, businesses must establish on site english language instruction to assist GW's in complying with the requirement to learn english.