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Your money

Many of us feel the pinch when we fuel up, go to the grocery store, run our errands or just try to pay the bills. This is becoming worse every day. The Bush administration tax cuts (and yes EVERYONE got it) helped, but did not go far enough. The arguement that the tax cuts were ONLY for the rich is false.

The simplest way to explain the tax cuts and the arguements against them are like this:

Everyone recieved the same tax RATE cut. Let's use 3% as an example. My 3% cut netted me $977.55 per year since the cuts were introduced (based on annual income). Al Gore netted $ 226,015.22 per year since the cuts were enacted. However WE BOTH received the same 3% cut. This is the "dirty little secret" that tax cut opponents don't want you to know. They spin it as only the rich benefitted from tax cuts.

Doing more with the tax cuts

The tax cuts went a long way toward offering relief for average Americans, stimulating business, and encouraging economic growth. However, the tax cuts should have been better layered. If you are going to cut 3% from the top earners, you should be cutting 6% from the bottom. Additional tax incentives for business creation, worker training, resource conservation should have been factored into an overall plan to grow the economy from the BOTTOM up.