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The next President of the United States........

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Richard Hamilton, and I am a recovering alcoholic. I have been sober since February 11, 2004. I have never held office, I was an enlisted man ( a two service veteran), and I have been blue collar all my life. I have decided that I should exercise my Constitutional right to run for the office of President of the United States. It is time for real change in government, a move to common sense.

Why would I be right for this?

1.) I have never held office, therefore I have not been corrupted by the politics of politics.

2.) I am a mechanic, mechanics can fix anything!

3.) I couldn't do any worse!





Common sense and politics, can they co-exist?

I do strongly believe that common sense leadership can be restored to government. Over-legislation has led to the paralyzing of our government's ability to protect it's citizens. I propose a simplification of governmental policies. Approximately 85% of our governmental officials are, or were attorneys. However 85% of Americans are not. Why do we need so many lawyers in politics? Have you ever heard the old saying "too many chefs spoil the soup"? This is the case in our government!

I propose a more equitable representation of Americans. There should be more blue collar, and enlisted military representation. We should have more mechanics (because we can fix anything), more average Americans. Public service should be for the benefit of everyone, not just a few selected groups, entities, or interests. Real Americans should be representing the real America. Additionally, government officials have come to think of public office as a right, rather than a civic duty. Many of these officials become wealthy through their holding office.

Am I really ready for office?

I feel that I am both ready and able to restore common sense and glory to government. After a lifetime of listening to thousands, of ideas and criticisms from average people, I have boiled what I believe to be the best of them into my platform.